Universal Life Insurance

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What is universal life insurance?

Universal life insurance offers lifelong protection with the unique flexibility to adjust your coverage and premium amounts. The policy's cash value accumulates tax deferred and can be used for any purpose to meet your financial goals.

Hear from our customer

Dilla Joseph shares her story about the benefits of having universal life insurance with the Accelerated Benefit Rider.

Product features and benefits:

Coverage amounts as low as $30,000

Coverage amounts as low as $30,000

Flexible premium payments

Flexible premium payments

Available up to age 85

Available up to age 85

Ability to increase or decrease death benefit

Ability to increase or decrease death benefit

Guaranteed minimum interest rates

Guaranteed minimum interest rates

Lifetime protection

Lifetime protection

15-year no-lapse guarantee

15-year no-lapse guarantee

Avoids the delay and expense of probate, in most cases

Avoids the delay and expense of probate, in most cases

Interest rate enhancement in policy years 16+

Interest rate enhancement in policy years 16+

Death benefits are generally tax-free to named beneficiaries

Death benefits are generally tax-free to named beneficiaries

Access to the policy’s long-term cash value through loans or withdrawals

Access to the policy’s long-term cash value through loans or withdrawals


Universal life insurance products:

Fixed interest universal life insurance - TurningPoint® FIUL

Flexible, long-term protection that builds cash value at a guaranteed minimum interest rate of 3%

Indexed universal life insurance - Clearvantage® IUL

Flexible, long-term protection that builds cash value at a guaranteed minimum interest rate of 1%, by participating in the market’s gains, but not in its losses

  Term Whole Universal Life Indexed Universal Life
Coverage type Temporary Permanent Permanent Permanent
Tax advantages
Death benefit
Cash value accumulation  
Cash value access¹  
Adjustable death benefit & flexible premium    
S&P 500-linked growth potential      

¹Any outstanding loans or indebtedness at time of death will be deducted from the death benefit.

Reasons to consider an indexed account:

  • No risk of market loss

  • Greater growth opportunity than a fixed interest rate

  • Cash value increases based, in part, on any increase in the S&P 500 index

  • Helps level off or manage stock market fluctuations

Cash value benefits of universal life insurance

Knowing you have options to access your policy’s cash value is important. With Bankers Life universal life insurance policies, money is always there when you need it.

Policy loans

The policy’s cash surrender value may be borrowed against at any time, allowing for peace of mind in the event of an emergency.

Preferred loans

After the 10th policy year, you are eligible to receive a preferred loan, calculated as a percentage of your policy’s cash surrender value on a zero-spread interest basis.¹ This means the amount of loan interest charged (3%) is exactly equal to the guaranteed minimum interest credited to the loaned portion of the account value.²

Partial withdrawals

After the first policy year, you may take one annual, free partial withdrawal of up to 10% of the total accumulation value with no surrender charges.³ If you withdraw more than 10% of the accumulation value, the charge applies to the amount that exceeds 10%. If you make more than one partial withdrawal in a policy year, the charge applies to the amount of second and later withdrawals.

¹ Withdrawals and loans will lower a policy’s account value and death benefits, may have tax implications, and may cause the policy to terminate. Surrender charges will apply to withdrawals in early years, subject to a free partial withdrawal feature. Each individual should seek specific advice from their own tax or legal advisors.

² Indexed Universal Life Insurance (Clearvantage® IUL) has a 1% loan interest charge. TurningPoint Fixed Interest Universal Life (TurningPoint FIUL) has a 3% loan interest charge.

³ This policy also has surrender charges during the first 15 policy years.

Customize your policy with optional riders:

Our optional riders* allow you to customize your indexed universal life policy to provide options to meet your insurance needs.

Living Benefit Chronic Illness Accelerated Death Benefit

Enables you to have access to a portion of your death benefit if you are certified to be permanently chronically ill.

Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness

Enables access to a portion of your death benefit if diagnosed as terminally ill.

Accidental Death Benefit

Provides a payment in addition to your policy’s face amount in the event of accidental death

Additional Insured Level Term

Offers term coverage on spouses or business partners.

Children’s Term Insurance

Offers term coverage on children.

Disability Income

Provides a benefit if you become disabled.

Primary Insured Level Term

Provides an affordable way to purchase additional term coverage.

Unemployment Waiver of Cost

Waives your monthly cost of insurance deductions if you become unemployed.

Waiver of Cost

Waives the cost of insurance and cost of benefits or riders if you become disabled (certain maximums apply).

Waiver of Planned Periodic Premium

Waives the planned periodic premium if you become disabled (certain maximums apply).

*Riders may be subject to underwriting and availability and will increase premium payments. Talk to an agent for complete description and rules of each rider, including limitations and exclusions. Riders may vary by state.

How do I know if I’m eligible?

Step one in obtaining universal life insurance is completing an application. Our underwriters will review your medical history to determine if your application is acceptable, and to identify your risk classification. You may need a medical exam. Your premium amount will be determined by the amount of insurance coverage you request, your age, gender and risk classification.

Why Bankers Life?

Simplified application process

Our knowledgeable insurance agents/producers sit down with you to understand your preferences and goals. They’ll provide you with simple, clear choices and help customize a policy that meets your individual needs.

Personalized approach

With a history dating back to 1879, there are some things that never change. At Bankers Life, that means taking a personalized approach to help protect the individuals and families we serve. We focus on helping you improve upon your financial security, particularly as you enter and navigate retirement.

Service you can trust

Our goal is to provide excellent service to every policyholder and make your life easier when it comes to your claims. In 2022, Bankers Life paid life insurance claims to over 650,000 policyholders, totaling $260 million.

Bankers Life is accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating as of March 2023, in addition to receiving an A (Excellent) rating by A.M. Best Company for our financial strength.