Understanding Insurance

4 Ways to Help Your Family Avoid Probate

As you explore estate planning and build out your portfolio, you may have stumbled across the idea of...

Hands of a court worker holding a pen signing a document with a judge's gavel next to him.

4 Life Insurance Considerations for Parents of Children With Disabilities

Many parents purchase life insurance because they want to help protect the financial future of their...

Adult child in wheelchair looking up at caregiver smiling.

How to talk to your aging parent about long-term care

Is your aging parent reaching a point where you’re concerned they’re unable to live alone safely?...

Aging Father and daughter walking

QUIZ: Is an annuity right for you?

Take our six-question annuity quiz to learn more about the annuity as a retirement savings and income...

Married retired couple on tablet

Introducing Bankers Life Flexible Premium Bonus Indexed Annuity

Bankers Life is thrilled to introduce our new Flexible Premium Bonus Indexed Annuity, offering...

Retirement couple playing tennis together

5 simple ways to care for a caregiver

Do you have a friend or a loved one who’s an unpaid caregiver for someone with a chronic health...

Caregiver helping senior woman

Medicare Terms to know

As you approach your 65th birthday and begin researching your Medicare options, you may quickly become...

Adult daughter helping father on iPad

What is hospital indemnity insurance?

Hospital stays don’t just take a physical toll. They make a financial impact as well, with the average...

Patient receiving good news from doctor

Learn about the requirements for receiving Medicare in 2024

There are three major requirements for Medicare. You must be either 65 or older; have a disability; or...

Retired couple smiling on a walk with their dog

When Does Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Take Place?

Medicare Supplement, also called Medigap, is a type of supplemental health insurance that complements...

Retired couple reviewing Medicare options are their computer