Life Events

Creating Healthy Ties: Setting Boundaries as a Grandparent

According to a recent study, 58% of Americans have trouble saying “No” to other people. Setting and...

grandfather playing with granddaughter

How to talk to your aging parent about long-term care

Is your aging parent reaching a point where you’re concerned they’re unable to live alone safely?...

Aging Father and daughter walking

Remote work and retirees: 3 tips for finding a work-from-home job

Most people think of retirement as a financial goal that allows you to step away from work for the...

Remote worker at coffee shop

Multigenerational travel: 5 tips for planning your family vacation

The start of a new year often inspires travel plans—and for many families, that means roping everyone...

Family traveling together

Multigenerational living is on the rise: what to consider before combining households

Everything old is new again…especially when it comes to multigenerational households. That’s...

Multigenerational family

8 destinations that feel international—but don’t require a passport!

Is traveling the world one of your retirement bucket list goals, but you’re finding it difficult due...

Retired seniors traveling together in nature

9 Things I Learned During My Senior Parent’s Crisis That Can Help You Now

It’s the day many parents think about for years, dropping their child off at college for the first...

seniors comforting each other

How to fairly split your parent’s caregiving costs among siblings

As kids, siblings often fight about things like who gets the best seat in the car or who gets the last...

Mother with adult daughters in garden

What should you carry in your wallet?

Is your wallet so hefty it’s weighing down your handbag or causing discomfort when you sit? If yes,...

Women looking in her wallet to purchase at market

8 Activities for Adults When the Weather Turns Cold

There’s a chill in the air and the days are getting shorter with dusk hitting earlier in the...

Couple enjoy hot coffee outside in winter